【急】帮忙看下有无语法错误!sits on the chair,and turns his head to the wa


  • Son(cries more fierce(应为副词fiercely) and shouted at his father)

    That’s just your estate!Not my(应为名词性物主代词mine) and my mom’s!(crise(是楼主你打错了?-cries) much more fiercer(fierce是单音节词,因此比较级不用more,但此处同上,应用副词,所以应改成much more fiercely)

    Then he turns back and opens the door,then ran(注:此句前面是一般现在时的turns和opens,但是后半部分又用了一般过去式,不符时态,应改成runs) out.

    (The sound of a door shutting is heard from out(out是形容词,应为outside).)

    Father:…(sits on(如果是有扶手或有靠背的椅子用in,板凳才用on,根据此处语境,他爸爸应该是靠在靠背上的,所以改成in) the chair,and turns his head to the way that(此处的定语从句前后不缺成分,应用副词where) his son goes away.He didn’t(又是时态不一致,用doesn't) say anything)
