Stress on college student 以这个为题目写段话


  • Uneven quality of graduates is caused by their main reason for the difficult employment.University graduates are the advantages of employment groups,they have ideas,knowledge,and young,healthy and to accept new things quickly.However,due to the repeated these years the University enrollment,the quality of these students from the students,the level of training has declined,with a large number of "real diploma,fake ability" of students into society.Through investigation,many companies believe that the contemporary human resources personnel are university graduates lack the following aspects:(1) professional knowledge solid enough,did not form their core competitiveness.Many graduates of the specialty is scanty,most still need to improve and enhance the business training,and companies need to move the can is,but the talent to good use,therefore,result in a "middle poor" situation.On the one hand a large number of graduates can not find suitable jobs,while the enterprise not hire the right person.(2) low level of ability,in particular,the practical ability is not strong.The ability of many graduates stay in the books,thinking,really want to solve practical problems can not.(3) the overall quality is not high,could not do the job required a higher level.

    Employment of college graduates is caused by a bad attitude the other hand,employment is difficult.(1) impulsive,quick success of the job mentality.Main features:a graduate who wanted to obtain high-wage,seeking good jobs,the people vote,the artificially created job difficult.(2) there is no clear career planning.At present,most university students do not have their own career goals and plans.According to a tune shows that in the "You know after considering his career up," one question 51.4% of people in this "there is only vague ideas and original look." 17.0% of people feel unsure of road they can do What; only 27.6% had 3 to 5 years of career planning.Students do not know what they want,what their goals,with the corresponding capacity,the quality of what is,most students are ignorant of,take things one step.

    The irrational industrial structure,bringing the national employment of college graduates is difficult.China has been abundant,high quality labor market,many enterprises by the World Green Mi,many enterprises have to invest and set up factories in China,so China has become the world's manufacturing power,the processing center.These enterprises are mostly some "three to a meeting" of the enterprise,they research,marketing and brand in China,providing a low added value,no technical content of jobs.These enterprises in the early stages of China's reform and opening up of China's economic development,have made indelible contributions,they need a lot of foundation is also human,front-line staff,operating workers.As China's economic development and employment changes in the structure,which offers the position,remuneration is not attractive enough.The irrational industrial structure,resulting in corporate employment,remuneration and so have considerable limitations,which also contributed to the difficult employment situation of university graduates is a very important reason.

    One-sided "talent" to bring college graduates employment difficulties.In our country,"All things are beneath contempt,only high school," "hopeful," "look into the phoenix women" and other very serious thought,resulting in the majority of students want to major institutions,large institutions,units of state-owned enterprises and some good crowd,all want to go to the big city.Some remote,hard,small units,the industry no one wants to go,causing millions of soldiers crowded single-plank bridge.On the one hand there is a business not to,on the other hand is unable to recruit the right people.Each of the units,enterprises,their staff is a pyramid-type structure,they are the foundation of human,basic human resources,management talent,R & D personnel,policy-makers,the more to the top,who needs less.If every college graduate wants to go up,demand for small competitive large,that the employment pressure will be considerable.The gross enrollment rate of over 22% has been achieved from elite education to popular education level,university education is to improve more the quality of workers,if the employment outlook remains at the intellectual elite education that college students are the days proud,pillar of the,to seek the best positions in society,it will very difficult job.

    Social injustice caused by the employment environment is relatively difficult employment.It should be said,after years of efforts,China is building a relatively fair employment environment,such as civil servants who carry a compulsory,state-owned enterprises,institutions,recruitment must be open social,fair and impartial merit.But by the employment relationship,gray employment phenomenon also exists,especially some institutions,monopolies,large-effective state-owned enterprises,this phenomenon is still quite serious,there are household factors and so on,which is not part of quality resources to university graduates,resulting negative impact on poor,also contributed to the difficult employment situation of university graduates is an important reason.