用动词的适当形式填空,1.Mary ________ (read) two books every week.She _


  • 1、Mary (reads) two books every week.She (borrows) them from the school library.

    2.Some children (love) fast food.They sometimes (eat) it for lunch.

    3.Australian students (have) their summer holidays in December.Chinese students (start) their summer holidays in July.

    4.The Sun (rises) in the east.It (sets) in the west.

    5.They (don't live) in Shanghai.They (live) in Guangzhou.

    6.He (doesn't work) in an office.He (works) in a shopping mall.

    7.Miss Wang (teaches) Maths.She (doesn't teach) English.

    8.---Tony (plays) the piano very well.

    ---That’s not true.He (doesn't play) the piano very well.He (plays) the violin very well.

    9.---Do you like football matches?

    ---No,I (don't like) football matches.But my father (watches) them on TV all the time.