谁会这道题:短文改错. 短文改错. 下面短文中有10处语言错


  • One morning,though the clock rang aloud ,Mary didn't woke up until eight.She hurried got

    1.aloud-loudly 2.woke-wake 3.hurried-hurriedly

    dressed,snatched over her schoolbag,∧ rushed towards her school.She ran so fast as she could,

    4.rushed 前加and 5.so-as

    so that she might miss the first lesson.But to her disappointed ,she found the school was quiet.

    6.might 后加not 7.disappointed-disappointment

    After she entered into the schoolyard,it seemed that there was nobody in the school besides the

    8.去掉 into 9.besides-except/ but

    guard.Mary was wondering how it was so while she saw the word on the bulletin board.It was

