想一想not no never 的不同之处.请各造一个句.


  • not adv.不

    no adj.没有,不是 (=not a / not any)

    never adv.从不

    与 asdfg_zxcvb123 商榷答案:

    1.He is not a teacher.(好)

    2.He is no teacher 这个表达不地道,不可取

    3.There are not any books in the room.(好)

    = There are no books in the room.(好)

    =There is no book in the room.(补充)

    4.He never comes to see me 语法上经不住推敲.可以修改一下:

    He has never come to see you.

    或 He will never come to see you.

    He never came to see you (last year)

    5.He has never been to Beijing (好)
