英语翻译“假设一个人重55KG,67M,则他的BMI= 55 / (1.67*1.67) = 21.6 ”RESULT(


  • 公式的翻译:BMI is equal to a person's body weight divided by his height squared.

    假设一个人重55KG,高1.67M,则他的BMI= 55 / (1.67*1.67) = 21.6

    If a person weighs fifty-five kilograms and is one-hundred sixty-seven centimeters tall.Then his Body Mass Index (or BMI) is fifty-five divided by one point six five squared,which equals twenty-one point six.


    If a person weighs 55kg and is 1.67m tall,then his Body Mass Index (or BMI) is 55/ (1.67*1.67) = 21.6

    问题补充:当BMI在15到18.5之间,则身体状况为Underweight “

    A BMI between 15 and 18.5 falls within the "underweight" category.
