

  • 五一到来,根据以下提示写英语短文.和同学一起野餐.帮助家长做家务.补习弱科.

    May Day holiday is coming.I'm always excited about holidays because I can relax and enjoy myself by doing the things I like to do.I'll go for a picnic with my classmates on the first day if it's a fine day.I'd like to enjoy the beautiful spring sceneries in the park and have fun with my friends.I'll also try to help around the house so that mom can relax more.She's always so busy doing all the housework for us.Last but not the least,I'll spend more time on my study.I'll first of all finish all the holiday homework,and then try harder on my weaker subjects,maths and physics.In a word,I'll make full use of the three-day holiday,relaxing,helping around and studying.I'm sure I'm going to have a good holiday.
