二、完成对话A:Hello,Could you give a ___1__B:I'm really sorry.I do


  • A:Hello,B!(...你会和自己说你好么?) Could you give a (从后面的car 可以看出这里是要考你搭配 give sb a ride 如果是的话那么你少写了个me...) could you please give me ride.

    B:I'm really sorry.I don't have a car right now.

    A:Oh,that's too bad!I want to go to the Central Hospital.

    B:Why?Are you ill?(如果你真这么问老外他会觉得你在骂他 are you feeling unwell

    或者are you feeling uncomfortable 比较好)

    A:No,I'm all right .My English teacher is there.She is ill now and is to leave the hospital today.

    (...她到底是病了 还是要出院...she is fine now,and(she)will leave the hospital today )

    B:I see.Why not __bring__ some floeers with you?(flowers .)

    A:I've already got some flowers from my mother's ______.(难道这里要填花瓶?好吧 花瓶是vase 或者他妈妈是开花店的?flower shop )

    B:Well,well.That's wonderful.

    A:__这里是要填 No ___,what a pity !I can't see Linda(linda 是那个老师?) now.No car and no driver.

    B:Wrong.You have a good driver here.I can __drive___ a car and take you there.

    A:Really?That's great.It's very kind ___of___ you,B.

    B:It's my ___pleasure___.

    说实话 做这种题 会完完全全毁了你的口语和英语语感 买本好点的英语书看吧.