remenber和remindremenber me to your mother和remind me to your


  • emind是一个罗曼语族的字,表示“提醒”,后面接宾语,然后再配介系词of,或者直接接从句,所以第二句应该说成:remind me of your mother.


    So she simply welcomed him and reminded him of the last time they had met.

    Can you remind me to buy a bottle of Martini?

    She reminds me of the wife of the pilot who used to work for you.

    remember也是一个罗曼语族的字,源于古法语的remembrer,表示“记住”,“记得”,但是如果remember后面加上“人”做宾语,再加上一个介系词to,再加上“人”时,则remember表示“代……问候”,所以第一句remember me to your mother是成立的,表示“代我问候你母亲”.又如:

    Remember me to Lyle,won't you?

    She asked to be remembered to you.
