麻烦可不可以帮忙个写成70~80个字的 英语短文啊~~~


  • 额,这个是BEC的口试吧,本人水平有限,写的不好多包涵哈~

    when arranging a meal with your important client,at least three elements should be well designed.To begin with,you should make sure the price of the meal within the range of your company budget.It is no doubt that you will never be willing to pay for the extra expense.Appropriate class of the meal depends on the important level of the customer.

    Then comes the types of food.Having a clear understanding of the appetite of the client will help you order the right dishes without too much useless worry.That means preparation before the meal is of great essence.

    At last,the quality of service in the restaurant also has a great impact on the impression of your client.Asking more experienced colleagues and friends for advice would be a good idea.