

  • With the network technology and network applications development,network security issues become increasingly important.Denial of service attacks as easy to implement,difficult to prevent,difficult to track,and other characteristics of a most difficult to resolve the issue of network security of the network to bring about a great social harm.Therefore,understanding and denial of service attacks on the principle,to explore how to deal with,in their daily work effectively deal with denial of service attacks are extremely important.

    This paper first introduced the principle of denial of service attacks,analysis of the major denial of service attacks,including "flooding","non-flood" and distributed denial of service attacks,attacks on their principles and detailed design of a denial of service attacks Alarm system,which use JAVA language,in the MyEclipse environment development,has a good cross-platform,system,mainly through the packet capture analysis,and on the statistical analysis of network traffic to detect denial of service attacks.

    In a detailed description of the system's development environment,functional structure,design and the realization of the various components of the process,and through experiments on the system's performance and operating results for the evaluation and analysis.Experimental results show that the system can effectively detect denial of service attacks.
