

  • My interest is in football

    Although I like to play by myself

    But what I love even more is to watch live shows

    Now,I like a team

    The English Mailan(这个曼联我不知道,你自己看看对不对吧.)

    The strongest players compete against one another one by one with all their might

    every time i see their competing looks,

    i often quitely look back to my own past

    thinking about the things that i have left unfinished

    when i am on the field myself,sweating

    i felt the spirit of a sportman

    i know that this is a real man's sport

    i wish that even with the passage of time,i could still keep this spirit.

    the thing i hated most in this world is lies

    that's how my parents taught me since when i was small

    to always be righteous

    do not lie to others

    even if you will be hurt,do not sell your conscience to avoid penalty

    i have heard many times since when i was young

    the word lies is still the word that i hate most

    lying is not the act of a man,one must always keep this in mind

    no one is perfect,and yet,everyone is trying hard to keep living

    there are times when one must lie

    when comes to these times,i regret it

    my dream is to become a selfless and righteous business man,who is respected by all

    i really wish to become a emotional,and not courrupted man

    there is a saying in Korea:the first button must be closed tightly

    meaning everything needs a good start.

    i am looking at this as the first button of my life,even my future dream

    try my best to do well




