英语作文,看看有没有错My eating habits I think I have a good eating hab


  • 写得不错,大部分动词的时态用法都很正确.只指出几个语法问题:


    2.注意because和and这些连词以及它们前后的标点的用法.good eating habits,because ...中间应用逗号.wants me to drink it,because she says ...

    3.I never drink改为I don't drink比较好.因为never后一般加过去式.

    4.I don't drink cola and coffee and I love orange juice.这句应去掉后面的too,因前后不构成并列关系

    5.改为I like eating rice for lunch或I like rice for lunch

    6.but some people says 应改为say,注意动词

    7.这句改为but some people say it's bad for our health to eat rice often.

    8.evening -> the evenings

    9.I don't like eat -> I don't like eating in the evenings