英语阅读理解 Television is good.You’d like to watch it all d


  • .(C )61.Scientises say if kids watch too much TV,they will__.

    A.learn language skills more easily B.be healtheir C.find it haed to learn to read D.eat less food

    (ABC )62.Kids learn language skills best by__.

    A.reading.B.talking C.playing with others.

    (D )63.While watching TV,what DON'T people do?

    A.Eat a lot of food B.Have less time for reading.C.Hardly move D.Focus on their work.

    (D )64.Which of the following is true?

    A.An American child will watch 12,00 fighting acts on TV a year.B.It’s good for kids to learn from fighting acts on TV.C.Too much TV is good for people’s health.D.It’s easy for kids who watch a lot of fighting shows to fight.

    (C )65.“Couch potaoess”are people who watch too much TV and become

    A.thin B.fit C.fat D.strong
