

  • 2. 有相当多的人在这幢旧建筑物里.

    There are ___a___ ___good____ __many_____ ____people____ in the _old_______ ___building___.

    3. 昨天,大部分学生忘了带雨伞.

    ____Most___ ___of___ the ____students____ ____forgot____ ____bringing____ umbrellas yesterday.

    4. 大雨过后,每个人似乎都很烦闷.

    ___Everybody___ seemed ____annoyed____ after the heavy rain.

    ___Everybody___ seemed ____to____ ____be____ ___annoyed____ after the heavy rain.

    It seemed that ___everybody_____ ____was_____ ____annoyed____ after the heavy rain.

    5. 因为天气好,Mary 决定去尝试滑翔伞运动.

    ___Because___ ___of___ the good weather, Mary ___decides___ ____to___ ___do____ ___para-gliding_____

    6. 在晴朗的早晨,我和我的家人到达了山顶.

    I arrived ___at____ the __top____ of ___mountains_______ on a sunny morning.

    7. 他上周有足够的时间写日记.

    He ___had___ ___enough____ ____time____ to ____write____ ____his_____ ____diary____ last week.

    7. 当Helen开始回答问题时,学生们们停止了说话.

    When Helen ___began____ ____to___ answer the question, students ___stopped____ ____talking_____.

    8. 我想知道谁在夏令营中玩的开心?

    I ___wonder____ who ___was___ ___the____ __happiest_____ ____one___ in the ____summer____ ____camp____.

    Unit 2 How often do you exercise?

    1. 周末我会很忙,我想要熬夜去复习期中考.

    The weekend is ____busy____ ___for____ ____me____, I ___am____ ___going____ ____to____ ___stay____ ____up____ to study for the Mid-term Exam.

    2. 我妹妹一周上网两次.

    My sister ___surfs____ ___the____ ___Internet_____ ____twice____ a week.

    3. 太多女同学几乎不做运动,这对她们的健康不好.

    __Too___ __many__ girl students ___barely___ ___do___ exercise, it’s not __good____ ___for__ her __health___.

    4. Tom 一点也不喜欢吃垃圾食品.

    Tom __doesn't____ ___like____ ___eating____ ____junk____ food ___at____ ___all____.

    5. 找出这个问题的答案很难.

    It’s ___difficult_____ ____to___ find out the answer ___to____ the question.

    6. 我们应该多花时间与父母沟通和分享每件事.

    We should ___spend___ more time ___communicating____ ____with___our parents and ___sharing____ ___things____.