英语短文改错How are you?today I'd like tell you something about my


  • How are you?today I'd like (插入to) tell you something about myself.

    I have been (been 删除)decided to go to university in Beijing for further education.

    In about one and a half month(month改为months),my classmates and I will take exams for it.

    However,my parents is(is改为are) not happy about it .

    They are strong(strong改为strongly) against me after hearing my decision.

    They say it is too(too 改为 so) far that they will not see me for a long time and they are afraid of (of 改为 that)I will feel lonely in Beijing.

    They advise me to study in an university in Chongqing.Then I'll be able to continue living with them.

    How can I persuade them to accept the fact which(which 改为that) I have grown up?