英语翻译这让我想起了春秋战国时代的越王勾践的故事.面对强大的吴国 他深知自己的能力不足以与吴王对抗 于是他明智地选择了屈


  • • This reminds me the story of King of Yue, named Gou Jian in the warring states. So sagacious was he that he chose to submit to the overwhelming King of Wu, to protect himself, with the deep understanding of the difference between them. Then he was able to get the chance to revenge after three years. Similarly we may have to confront with the difficulties and challenges more than we can deal with in our real life. If we can’t get the meaning of the truth, that is how to be flexible and bend down in some certain situation, we may fail like the tall trees broke in the strong wind, as shown by the picture. However if we make great efforts to adjust ourselves to the environment like the grass in the picture, we will get the chance for survival. Besides, if we can protect ourselves and make us stronger, we are able to fight back in the future.
