

  • 送你几句道地的美语.

    喜欢 --- like

    爱 --- love

    love 要比 like 强烈.

    I. 第一次见到你我就喜欢上你. 以下是简单道地的美语.

    1. I started to like you when I first saw you.

    2. I started liking you when I first saw you.

    3. I've(=have) liked you since I first saw you.

    II. 第一次见到你我就爱上你了. 以下是简单道地的美语.

    1. I started to love you when I first saw you.

    2. I started loving you when I first saw you.

    3. I've(=have) loved you since I first saw you.

    Hope this helps


    Note: 本人已在海外生活了数十载.为了慎重起见,我的答案都与老美或老英交换过意见,你放心使用吧.如有任何问题,可补而述之.