《青春》/席慕容 的英语翻译《青春》/席慕容 所有的结局都已写好 所有的泪水也都已启程 却忽然忘了是怎么样的一个开始 在


  • "Youth"/ seat Murong

    All final writes all already well

    All tears set out also all already

    Have forgot but suddenly be

    how one starts summer day

    returning in that antiquited

    no more

    Disregarding I how go and press for payment of

    Young you sweep past if cloud hides

    But your smile facial feature is extremely shallow pole Dan

    Conceal group mist fall behind in gradually gradually

    Chase the title page turning that yellowing open

    Destiny with its binding extremely inferior

    I am reading repeatedly with tears in eyes

    Have to but admit that


    Be very hasty one book