

  • A【Cross-docking】 is a practice in logistics of unloading materials from an incoming semi-trailer truck or railroad car and loading these materials directly into outbound trucks,trailers,or rail cars,with little or no storage in between.

    A 【warehouse】 is designed to accomodate long-term storage,whereas a 【distribution center(DC)】is set up to distribute supplies.

    Overall,【packaging】 plays an indispensable role in logistics.The function of the packaging is not just to protect the product.It performs many other jobs as well.These include providing information about the contents as well as enabling and facilitating other logistics processes - including transport and handling as well as storage,order processing and warehousing.Optimal packaging of a product is a critical factor in logistics.

    【Containerization】 greatly reduces the expense of 【international trade】 and increases its speed,especially of consumer goods and commodities.It also dramatically changes the character of port cities worldwide.

    I would choose the following transportation methods:

    【Air transport】 from Nanjing to New York as the major approach with the use of【road transport】 when necessary.Reasons are as follows:

    1.One container does not weight too much for the cost of air transport.

    2.Air transport is significantly faster than any other method,especially for covering a long-distance shipment.

    3.Air transport ensures high levels of security for sensitive items.

    4.Road transport has relatively low costs and is one of the most flexible methods due to extensive road networks.Road transport is necessary to cover short distances that are either tough or costly to strictly schedule.
