大学英译中 演讲给人力量,演讲启迪人生.演讲的艺术不仅仅包含演讲本身,它更是与人交流的艺术,是生活的艺术,是人人都应该具


  • speeches give people strength,speeches inspire wisdom.the art of a speech does not only include the speech itself but also the art of interacting with people,it's the art of life,it's an ability that each and everyone of us should own/posses.this competition covers a wide range of area,it's very representative,.it is designed rationally,and offers various ways of competing.it will show the competitors' abilitiy to perform a speech and their comprehensive capability in multiple angles.it will broaden students' horizon,attract their attentions to heated issues and cultivate their cultrual communication skills