nothing but的意思如题.谢.这是一个词组来着呀~不是单独的``两个单词.


  • nothing but(除……而外;什么也没有;只有)后面可接(1) 名词或代词:

    For miles and miles I could see nothing except (= but) a great fire and lots of smoke.一连好几英里,除了大火和浓烟我什么也看不见.

    Under the soil there is nothing but sand.在这层土壤下边只有沙子.

    (2)不定式:A cold-blooded animal has no choice but to lie down and sleep.冷血动物别无选择,只好躺下来睡觉.(注:这种句型中的不定式通常要带to;但当其前面的动词是do,或只有情态动词时,but后面的不定式要省去to.例如:

    He did nothing but sleep all day long.他什么也不干,成天睡觉.

    I can but obey it.(= I can do nothing but obey it.)我只能服从.


    Politeness costs nothing but wins everything.这是一句谚语,意为彬彬有礼,惠而不费,或者理解为和气生财.