the underbelly of ceramics


  • This course will celebrate the underbelly of ceramics.


    你说的没错,kitsch是媚俗艺术,就是廉价的,大规模生产的,质量悬殊的复刻品.该概念源头追溯到18世纪一位叫Immanuel Kant的哲学家、艺术家.Kraft 同音于craft,是工艺的意思.


    CE 330:Kitsch-n-Kräft

    This course will celebrate the underbelly of ceramics.Looking at the kitsch history of the material and its roll in framing cultural viewpoints.Thinking about commerce,the ethics of a time and place,this course will plumb the aesthetics of the cheap and forgotten,the DIY,glitter and glue.In this class,we will look at figurines,lawn ornaments,commemorative objects,and ashtrays.We will be engaged in the study of objects that might be found in a double wide,or tossed into the rubbish heap of aesthetic cultural detritus.This is a ceramics class focused on learning to use the full potential of ceramics.As such,assignments will be structured so as to study and understand the form,but as the semester progresses,students will be expected to evolve an independent body of work.There will be some readings and research required.