英语翻译如果满意另外再加30分是绝对没问题的.摘 要内容:为高校教学质量和人才培养质量的提高提供参考,对高校教学满意度和


  • This report/research is designed for a guidance for improving the teaching quality of universities and the quality of personnel training; also, the satisfaction level of teaching and student involment level are investigated. Through reviewing relevant literatures, and by applying the techinique of Likert Scale, I have designed a specific questionnaire; moreover, stratified sampling and random sampling method are used for gathering data and analysing the factors relating to satisfaction level of teaching. The research objectives, seperated by sex, grade and course, are analysed by Exploratory data analysis. The sampling data meets the requirement of independence and identical distribution. For the 16 observation variables that influencing the teaching satisfaction level factors, 4 latent variables (i.e. teaching attitudes, teaching skills, content of courses and teaching methods) are determined. For the 7 observation variables of satisfaction level, two latent variables of satisfaction level and student involment level are constructed. Then, by applying the SEM, full model is designed for testing, which gives the outcomes of the quantitative analyses of the factors affecting teaching satisfaction level and student involvement level. The model is complied with required Goodness of Fit. The validity of observation variables is high as well as the reliability of latent variables. Therefore, we obtain the conclusion that is consistent with the underlying assumption. This report has first introduced the letent variable of student involvement level, and clarified the relationship between TSL and SIL. The conclusion shows: teaching attitude is most influential on TSL; the contents of teaching and teaching method are of comparatively large influence; and SIL has some moderate effect to TSL. Based on the analysis of the outcome, we make our recommendations on how colleges and universities could improve their teaching quality and student learning quality; and we generate some proposals for the improvement of the work of administration section.

    完全自己翻译.后半小段出现了缩写 TSL 和 SIL,分别是teaching satisfaction level and student involvement level, 你自己在名词出现的第一处后加上括号放入缩写吧.e.g. teaching satisfaction level (TSL)