

  • 我怀念过去的自己,怀念过去的我们.时光流逝,它带走了我最爱的人.现在的状况很糟糕,我感觉失去了灵魂,不知道该做些什么,我努力掩盖自己的伤痛,可每当黑夜降临,我被阴影笼罩,就好像变了一个人,不能控制自己的思想,这感觉让我惊慌失措.谁能救救我 带我离开这片黑暗.

    I miss my previous own and ourselves before.As time goes by,the time has taken my best lover away.The situation is very bad for me now,I feel like a person without soul,I don't know what to do.I tried to cover my pain,but I can't control my thought at night when I am wrapped in darkness,just like another person.This feeling makes me panicky.Who can help me and take me out of the darkness?