

  • 一篇关于愉快购物经历的英语文章I went shopping today for my food for the coming week. It was different from any other time I have gone for a number of reasons. The first was that it took me a lot longer. I’m one of those in-and-out kinds of people, but I spent close to an hour comparing prices, sizes and options. I also noticed that I was self conscious while shopping. While I never looked in other’s carts, I found myself concerned that people were looking in mine. What they would have seen was a VERY boring collection of items, all from the generic brand. Coincidentally enough, 75% of what I purchased was Roundy’s brand, and Roundy’s is a huge supporter of CKMU. I have two giant checks from grants hanging on the walls of my office. Finally, I actually noticed WIC stickers on the price labels of certain products, something I had never been aware of before. I wasn’t able to tell what made some things WIC approved, but it was cool to be aware of.

    Without further ado, here is my shopping list:

    Small jar of peanut butter

    3 pkgs Ramen

    4 cans of tuna

    Large can of condensed tomato soup

    Bag of rice

    Loaf of white bread

    Bag of noodles

    Frozen juice



    Spaghetti Sauce


    Chicken Broth

    Candy Bars

    5 of the 14 items I bought were on sale and all were the cheapest price I could find for the given item. I did have a Saver’s Club card, but these are free of charge and open to all. One of the hardest things was avoiding the dairy. I am a huge cheese lover (a Wisconsin girl through and through) and there wasn’t any diary I could really afford. The only dairy I could afford was a package of processed cheese and I couldn’t bring myself to eat that. I’m a cheese snob it seems.

    My grand total for this shopping trip was $15.69. That gives me $5.31 to use throughout the week in ways I am going to try. One thing I was proud of was the fact that I saved $4.95 through sales at the grocery store. That’s 24% of my total budget! I think it was a pretty successful trip.