After a quick breakfast, I went into the lecture(讲座) hall in


  • 小题1:A




    小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“After a quick breakfast, I went into the lecture(讲座) hall in a hurry. A famous teacher was speaking to the students.”理解可知。

    小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“He was holding up a $100 bill. Then he said to over 300 students”理解可知。

    小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“he dropped it on the floor and stepped on it. He picked up the dirty bill and said, “Who still wants it?””理解可知。

    小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“no matter what has happened to you, you will never lose your value. You are always valuable to those people who love you. Your value doesn’t come form what you do or whom you know, but who you are.””理解可知。