不及物动词有主动语态吗There are hundreds of visitors_____in front of th


  • 定语从句中,从句的关系代词与先行词相同,并且从句动作是由先行词发出的,省略关系代词和be动词,并将从句中的谓语动词做相关变化,主动态的变为进行时,被动态的变为过去分词.




    there is a man

    a man is sitting in the armchair.

    ——there is a man sitting in the armchair

    there is a man who is sitting in the armchair.

    here is a building which is built in the year of 2009

    -----here is a building built in the year of 2009

    i saw a man who was smoking by the gate

    -----i saw a man smoking by the gate

    i got that book which is written by a famous writer

    ----- i got that book written by a famous writer
