Unit 2 If a snake bites you, take a photo.


  • Module 4 New technology

    Unit 2 If a snake bites you, take a photo

    【Teaching type】Reading and writing

    【Teaching Aims】

    1. To get information from reading material about the “smile off”

    2. To get to know and use “the usage of Adverbial clause of condition”.

    3. To learn to write a story about a mobile phone saved someone’s life.

    【Important and difficult points】

    1. To get information from reading material

    2. To use adverbial clauses of condition

    3. Vocabulary: bite dish save one’s life appear hide cool wrong

    hurt medicine suggest

    【Teaching procedure】

    Step1. Warming-up

    Let the students talk about the new technology they know, and then discuss how to use it. The teacher collects their answers, and tells the students we’ll learn how to use the CD recorder.

    Step 2. Learn the new words.

    1.Show some beautiful pictures to the students, then lead them to learn the following words.

    Bite dish medicine wrong appear hide

    2.show and learn the last three new words.

    Cool—冷静的,凉爽的 suggest—建议,提出


    Step 3 Work in pairs

    Get the students to talk about what you can use a mobile phone to do.

    e.g. You can use a mobile phone to call people / play music / take photos…

    step 4 Guess

    Look at the picture in Activity 3. Guess what’s happening.

    Step 5 Read and answer

    Read the passage and check if you guessed correctly. Then answer the following questions:

    1.What is the surprising advice?

    2.Who saved his life?

    Step 6 Read and choose

    Read the passage again and choose the best answer. Tell them that it’s not easy to get the right answers, so please read carefully .

    1.When the snake bit Mr Jackson, it was_________.

    a) Hiding in a box of bananas c) lying under a dish

    b) Climbing out of a box of bananas d) climbing into the fridge

    2.Mr Jackson threw the snake across the room probably because________.

    a) He was surprised c) his chest began to hurt

    b) He wanted to get a better photo d) the fridge door was open

    3.Mr Jackson closed the fridge door so that ________.

    a) He could take a photo c) the snake became cool

    b) The snake couldn’t go back to the zoo d) he was safe from the snake.

    4.The doctor gave Mr Jackson the right medicine when__________

    a) London Zoo told them what kind of snake it was b) he left hospital the next day

    c) Mr Jackson sent the photo to the hospital d) the snake bit him

    step 7 Exercises

    First let them do the questions .(True or False

    1. The snake bit him on the hand after Mr Jackson took a photo . ( )

    2. The doctor found the photo from Mr Jackson’s mobile phone. ( )

    3. Mr Jackson’s advice is useful. ( )

    4. At first the doctor couldn’t say what was wrong. ( )

    5. Mr Jackson was very cool when he was bitten. ( )

    Then ask them to read carefully and translate the seven sentences into Chinese.


    4.几天前 5.保持冷静 6.怎么了


    Step 8 Deal with difficult points

    1. the using of “with”.

    2. v-ing and v-ed

    3. bite somebody on somewhere

    4. link-verb

    5. wrong

    6. pick it up , pick +n. +up , pick up +n.

    Step 9 Do Activity 5

    Get the students to answer the questions about the words in the box.

    Step 10. Group work.

    Go on reading and try to retell the story in pairs.

    Step 11 Self-assessment

    Let them try to say “what did we learn today?”

    Step 12 Homework:

    1.Can you retell the story (with six sentences) ?

    2.Would you like to write a new story about how a mobile phone saved someone`s life?

    Begin like this: If you are walking alone in the city, late at night, hold on your mobile phone. ………