根据首字母 提示补全单词。 1. I am making a r______ for my classroom.


  • 根据首字母


    1. I am making a r______ for my classroom.

    2. Mary Green has written many p______ boo

    ks on gardening.

    3. Sometimes I am glad to be a______.

    4. Some people enjoyfishing as a h______.

    5. The i______ are on the box.

    6. We need to take part in a ______ with friends.

    7. This year , I joi

    ned a rocket club in my city. It has about forty m______.

    8. We also give p______ for the best-built rocket..

    9. The teacher tells them that they might o______ a stamp collecting club.

    10. Who is the most interesting p______ in your family.

    1. report 2. popular 3. alone4. hobby5.instructions

    6. ac

    tivities 7. members8. prizes9. organize 10. perpon