又来向您请教了Of all the dimensions of environmental governance und


  • 1. "a second + noun" vs "the second + noun"

    通常教first, second, third前面要加定冠词.但是second有多个意思,一个意思(第二名)前面要加定冠词,但是其它意思前面要加不定冠词.给你抄一下字典中相关的定义:


    1. Coming next after the first in order, place, rank, time, or quality.


    a. Repeating an initial instance: a second chance.

    b. Reminiscent of one that is well known: a second George Washington; a second Waterloo.

    c. Alternate; other: every second year.


    English as a second language

    We want a second baby

    He is having a second surgery

    You can have a second helping after finishing the food in your plate.


    2. 两个表达意思不一样.如果用from,transformation可能是被动的,有外力引导这个转变.用of则强调了a closed public policy process的主动转变.比较一下这两个例子:

    Transformation of Google into a gatekeeper

    Google's transformation from a gateway to a gatekeepe