阅读这个短文并回答问题It was a Sunday morning.Peter,a seven-year-old bo
stealing 偷
afraid 怕
请阅读短文并回答问题.On Sunday morning,Sam's father and morther went s
阅读理解. When I was seven years old,my
阅读理解. Mike is seven years old now a
His father began to work____ he was seven years old.A.as old
His father began to work____ he was seven years old.A.as old
Peter was a small bo
I was worried that the trip was too____ for a 17-year-old bo
Jim's brother could ride a bike when he was seven years old.
“It was all his own idea, ” says Pat Peters, the 38-year-old
根据短文回答问题 ()How old is jimmy?A.He is four years o