Of course,one hundred years later,no one know whatever it'll happen excapt for only one thing I can confirm that I am a ghost somewhere.
But we have likely to predict what it'll become that day after one hundred based on today in existence.Not doudted that people's living standard is rising at least twice what today's refers to the pregress of sciences and technology at present.in the same time the most products being now taken advantage of will be changed extremely and enomously and popularly available such vehicles without wheels that day as a few of today's aerotrain in the whole world.What's more,people's thought and behaving is as well.Once it comes to this point,I can't resist pretty suprised because which is of vital importaance to decide the developping pregress of all huamkinds.
Last but not least,just to imagine is impossibly to achieve the very long term's target only if by all means to do current works well in all lines,which may well come to true as quickly as possible perpaps not longer to hundred years.