

  • 我把礼物选定了,你可以改成别的:

    Thanksgiving Day——

    ——Welcome to our store.(欢迎光临)


    ——May I help you find anything?(需要帮忙么?)

    ——Yes.I'm looking for a present .(恩,我想要买份礼物)

    ——What kind of present?(什么样的礼物呢?)

    ——Hummm,you know the Thanksgiving Day is coming,so...(唔.你知道的感恩节快到了,所以.)

    ——Oh,for your parents or...(哦,是给您父母买的或是.)

    ——Yeah.I want a gift for my mother.(恩,是给我妈妈的)

    ——I see,for your mum,ur...how about the wallet?(我知道了,给您母亲,恩.这个钱包怎么样?)

    ——Humm,that's a good idea.But I don't like the style.(恩,好主意,不过我不喜欢这款)

    ——What about this one?(那这款呢?)

    ——Yes,I like this one,thanks.How much is it?(恩,不错,多少钱?)

    ——This one is ***dollars.(这款是***钱)

    ——That's a little expensive.Do you have anything less expensive?(这个有点贵了,有稍微便宜点的么?)

    ——Okay,what about this one ,sir?It costs less.And that's a nice style.(这个怎么样,先生?这个便宜点,也很漂亮)

    ——Yes,it's also very nice.Tell me how much is it?(是啊,也挺好看的,这个多少钱?)

    ——This one is ***dollars.(这个**钱)

    ——Great.I will take it.(不错,我就要这个了)
