求 Whole Lot Of Leaving 中文翻译


  • It's pretty cold for late September 九月底真冷

    The autumn wind is creeping in 秋风悄然拂过

    The summer sun packed up it's long gone 夏日阳光一去不返

    There's a whole lot of leaving going on,yeah 这是一个离别的季节,耶

    I'll bet it's warm in California 我打赌加州还很暖和

    I think it's time to hit the road 是时候上路了

    I just might call that band of gypsies 我也许会打电话给那帮吉普赛人

    Go searching for our pot of gold 一起去寻找我们的梦想

    Seems like lately there's a whole lotta leaving goin' on 似乎最近是离别的季节

    I close my eyes and picture your hand in mine 我闭上双眼,想象握住了你的手

    I still hear your voice,it takes me back to that time 耳边还回响着你的嗓音,带我回到那段时光

    Well I can find a reason to be strong 我还能找到坚强的理由

    Seems like lately there's a whole lot of leavin' goin' on似乎最近是离别的季节

    Close the window,draw the curtains 关上窗户,拉好窗帘

    You ain't the only one here hurtin 你不是唯一受伤的人

    No one's right,no one's wrong 没有谁对,也没有谁错

    Lately there's a whole lot of leavin' goin' on 最近是离别的季节

    You used to live to say you love me 你曾说过你爱我

    You got one for every doll 你总是有理由(这句只能意会)

    Still you turn around and ask me 你还是转过身,让我

    To regard it anymore 再考虑一下

    Here I open the lane 我走了

    You never hear me say goodbye 你并没听到我说再见

    So afraid of being that please the strong 如此害怕,假装坚强

    I came for you baby 但我是为你而生 宝贝

    I know.我知道