

  • A:Hey,there is a brown bear!

    B:Where is it?

    A:There,behind the monkey cage.

    B:Wow,I see,it's such a big one.

    C:I like bear,let's go and have a look.

    D:OK,let's go.

    C:I heard that brown bear is a kind of the greatest bear in the world.

    A:Look at its paw and the fingernails.

    C:Yes they use it to attack their prey,and their fingernail is so sharp.

    B:Guess if it stroke your face with that fat paw?

    A:I'd better not.

    D:I think we'd better keep far away from the cage.

    C:Yes it's not a good idea to check its terrible prey ability.

    A:How do you know so much of animals?

    C:I always read books about them,I like animals.

    D:So do I.Could you lend me some books?

    C:Sure if you like.