汉译英 一小小段 呵呵阅读可以使我们获得知识,扩大视野,是一件生活中非常重要的事情.我喜欢阅读,因为那是一件快乐的事情.


  • Reading can help us acquire knowledge and expand our views,which is a very important thing in our daily life.I like reading becuase that's a happy thing.When I was a girl who didn't even know the words,my father liked to tell me about Anderson Fairy Tales,such as and .He even changed the female leading role to be my name,so I was quite happy.Gradually I started to like reading.When I went to school,we could read by myself.Sometimes I would still listen to the stories told by my parents.

    I want to especially thank my father and family,without them I can't like reading so much today and I get so much fun in it.