

  • 今天我依然想起了你,我还是一如既往的高兴,满足!像一种力量在背后支撑着我,谢谢你给我一切!在世界的另一端有你,我很幸福!OR(我感觉很幸福)

    I thought of you today as usual, and it made me happy and satisfied as always! It's almost as if there's some unseen force supporting me from behind. Thank you for all that you've given for me, and I'm very happy to know that I have you, on the other side of the world!

    我很幸福: I'm very happy

    我感觉很幸福: I feel very happy

    世界上另一个我: The other me in this world.

    你是世界上另一个我: You are the other me in this world.

    地球上另一端的我: The me on the other side of this world.

    你是地球上另一端的我: You are the me on the other side of this word.
