His taller than- -any- -other- -classmates- in his class.
英语翻译He is taller than _____ ______ ______ in his class.
He is taller than -----in his class.
He is taller than () in his class. He is the tallest boy.
He is taller than the other boys in his class.
Jim is taller than _______ in his class. [
Ben is taller than _______ in his class.
He is taller than anyone else in his class.(同义句转换)
he is taller than any other student in his class 同义句
he is __than any other boy in his class.里面填taller ...为什么tall
He is taller than any other student in his class.(改为同义句)
mike is taller than any other boys in his class