1.By the way,is there _ in today's news


  • B 一般疑问句用any 系列,修饰不定代词的形容词要放后边,因此用 anything new

    题目有问题,应为 The weather in Beijing is cooler than ____ in Shanghai.填 that, that 在比较结构中指代前文提到的单数名词或不可数名词,前面如果是复数名词则用those.

    类似的比较结构 除 than 之外,还有 be different from , as .as 等结构.

    题目也有问题,Which do you prefer,tea or coffee?

    它的回答可以是:Tea,please.I like a cup of tea.

    Coffee,please.I like a cup of coffee.

    Either is OK.I don't mind.随便哪个都行,我不介意的.

    Neither. I like a bottle of orange(除了茶和咖啡之外的任何饮料都行).
