

  • Jasmine flowers are used in China in the treatment of

    hepatitis and dysentery.In India,guests at wedding ceremonies are given

    jasmine garlands to wear.

    A blend of oils containing jasmine is used by the

    bride to be to ensure that her skin feels smooth and smells sweet.It is very

    costly but a little goes a long way and the perfume from this oil lasts a long


    Grown :

    The plant grows mainly in the north west region of India.

    It is a climbing plant with pinkish flowers.Cultivated plants are grown in

    Grasse (France),Egypt and Morocco.

    Parts used and method of extraction :

    The oil comes from the flower petals which is why it is such an expensive

    oil to buy because so many petals are needed.

    It is extracted by a process

    called enfleurage which is time consuming and to top it all,the flowers have to

    be picked at night when it is dark because it is at this time that the plant

    chemistry is at its best.

    You can get jasmine oil that has been extracted

    with the use of solvents but this oil is of inferior quality and should be


    Colour and smell :

    Rich,heady and floral in fragrance this oil

    is amber to brown in colour and is very viscous.

    Active Ingredients


    Indol,methyl anthranilate,linalyl acetate,benzyl acetate,benzyl alcohol

    and others