英语翻译Men who have just escaped what had appeared to be certai


  • 刚刚死里逃生的人不会担心脏水会致病这类的小事.

    Men who have just escaped what had appeared to be certain death 是主语部分,men为主语中心词;

    其中who have just escaped 是主语中的定语从句,修饰限定men,译为……的人;what had appeared to be certain death 是who have just escaped 的宾语从句,这样整个主语部分直译为刚刚逃脱了死亡的人;

    lose 是谓语动词;

    all worries about such small things as diseases caused by dirty water是宾语部分,直译为像脏水能致病这类的顾虑.