

  • 介词短语可以表示时间、地点、方式、原因等,它可以作如下的成分表示与这些情况有关联的成分:


    The book is on the desk. 书在桌子上.

    He is at home. 他在家.

    He is above forty. 他有四十多岁了.

    The story is about his own life. 故事讲的是他自己的生活.


    The book on the desk is a copy of interesting novel. 桌子上的那本书是一本有趣的小说.

    The students in Class One like playing football. 一班的那几个学生喜欢踢足球.

    He told us the reason for being late. 他给我们说了来晚的原因.

    The distance to my school is about a mile. 到我们学校的距离大约是一英里.


    Don’t stand against the door. 别靠门站着.

    There is a new bridge across the river. 河上有一座新桥.

    Please do it in this way. 请按这种办法做.

    We sell goods at fixed prices. 我们按定价售货.