bloody friendship(25) 作文


  • Chapter 25We carried on without arguing. His mom drove on quietly, forgetting about all the disturbance she caused.Helen was embarrassed and dug her face to the glass. Andy remained still, deep in thoughts.The car pulled over at a large house. The one I’ve been to the yesterday, right before the disco. I hated the air; there was something bad about the air, full of hatred. I showed an expression of unpleasantness.Andy’s mom, Miss Bolton took us a tour around the house. It was big, luxury but not very neat. Everything was well furnished. The walls were ice grey and light so dim. Something ghastly about it, there were no looking glasses, which made the room seemed darker than ever.They stopped by the basement, where I was locked in for half an hour, I shall give the credits to Andy, for locking me in there just because he didn’t want me to go the disco in Club Nova.“That’s almost all, would you like to have a look in the basement?” Asked Miss Bolton. She could be such a weirdo.“No, that will do. Basements are no sight.” I didn’t want to see it; it reminds me of… spiders, darkness, etc. I daren’t look the smallest look.“Let’s have dinner now.” She announced.We took seats in the large dinning room, only it is extremely dark, like a cave.Andy’s mom placed four big plates of Pasta. “Dinner served.” I knew how to make these, it’s like you put boiled pasta in a big plate and squash some Ketchup and mustard on it. Slice some cheese on top; put it in oven for 10 min. And ta-da, ready.I thought she was going to bake us pizza. She said that in the car.But of course I didn’t ask, it would be impolite.“Mom? What about the pizza?” Andy asked, a little surprised. But he had a right to, it’s his mom anyway.“What about it?” She had a puzzled expression on her face.“You said you were going to bake us pizza.” He added.“Did I? I probably forgot.” She looked, all innocent. That freaked me out. What a unordinary person!“Never mind. You never keep your word.” I could see he was disappointed.“Oh yes, how can I forget, Andy bought garlic bread yesterday. Didn’t you like them, Helen?” She bent forward to pass us the garlic bread.This took her by surprise. People seldom knew her favorite food. Andy is aiming the goal, he is trying to impress her.Helen was so delighted that she nearly dropped her knife.I chewed the bread bitterly, I hate watching Andy’s sick performance.注释:1. carry on: 继续做某事2. arguing: 原形argue,争论3. disturbance: 骚动,干扰4. cause: 引起5. embarrass: 使困窘6. dug: dig的过去时,挖7. remain: 保持8. deep in thoughts: 陷入沉思9. pull over: (车)开到路边10. hate: (动词)恨11. hatred: (名词)恨12. expression: 表情13. unpleasantness: (名词)不愉快14. tour: 旅行15. luxury: 豪华的16. neat: 优雅的17. furnish:装修18. dim:暗淡19. ghastly: 讨厌的20. seem: 显得21. looking glass: 镜子22. basement:地下室23. weirdo: 奇怪的人24. credit: 荣誉25. lock: 锁26. remind: 使想起27. dare:敢28. announce:宣布29. extremely:十分的30. cave: 山洞31. place: 放置32. Pasta: 意大利通心面33. serve: 提供34. boil:煮35. squash: 挤36. mustard 芥末37. slice: 切片38. impolite:无理的39. right: 这里指权利40. puzzle:迷惑的41. probably: 也许42. innocent:无辜的43. freak sb out: 吓到某人44. unordinary:不寻常的45. never mind: 不去理会46. keep one’s word: 履行自己的诺言47. disappointed:失望的48. garlic:蒜49. bent: bend的过去时,弯曲50. seldom:很少51. aim:瞄准52. goal:目标53. impress:留下好印象54. delighted: 高兴的55. drop:掉下56. chew:咀嚼57. bitterly:悲哀的58. sick:恶心的59. performance: (名词)表演