以 写给朋友 Simon 学习汉语的方法 为题写篇英语作文 .开头给出来了 只需直入主题就行


  • Much reading and reciting, help you remember, cultivate the habit of thinking in chinese. Hear much, much communication, which can improve the ability of listening and speaking. You can also write a diary to improve writing skills.

    Learning a language, especially Chinese, mainly to learn new words is, you know the new words better. In Chinese home and things around, starting in May is not used, but this habit is good for us, not only can increase the number of new words, and can continuously review.

    In every class, attend the meeting or mutual communication to listen to the teacher carefully the words and grammar, to listen to the content of the conference, to listen to each other, to actively use their brains, trying to remember it, exercise and improve memory, strive to learn new things.

    Patience and perseverance, to learn every day.
