

  • Buyer: the shopkeeper happy New Year!

    Seller: you happy New Year! Is there anything I can do for you?

    Buyer: good servant! Lovely! ~

    Seller: dizzy

    Buyer: yeah, make you, this unhappy Chinese New Year? I want to mail home something, what candy, small gifts, such as fruit like tea, or something.

    Seller: oh this easy, we will buy this, that you want something?

    Buyer: I want: XueMei tianshan mountain, Beijing GuoPu, merchant series candy. Seller: ok, how much do you?

    Buyer: I will...

    Seller: well, I'll give you pack mailing address is how much?

    Buyer: don't be nasty, the price we'll discuss it. You see I to your best, say the New Year holidays, airlines have great gift activities like?


    .Buyers: 660 friends mail bag!

    Seller: pushing ing.

    Buyer: sweat! Bite down?

    Seller: no or 680 ~

    Buyer: that you again struggled to bite it