

  • 热带雨林是生长在热带地区的一种特殊森林系统.林中树种繁多,附生植物密布,藤本植物品种多数量大,棕榈科阔叶植物茂盛,落叶植物极少,一年四季花果常有.由于结构复杂,植物茂盛,热带雨林也成为众多野生动物的理想栖息地.作为地球上最复杂和重要的生态系统,热带雨林被人们形象地称为“地球之肺”,具有重要的生态价值和科研价值.在世界范围内,热带雨林主要分布在北纬20度线和南纬20度线之间.

    The tropical rain forest is the growth in the tropics area one kind ofspecial forest system.In forest tree seed many,epiphyte denselycovered,lianas variety multi- quantities big,Palm broad-leafplant luxuriant,deciduous plants extremely few,throughout the yearthe fruit and flowers are common.Because structure complex,the plantis luxuriant,the tropical rain forest also becomes the multitudinouswild animal's ideal habitat.On the achievement Earth most complex andthe important ecosystem,the tropical rain forest vividly is called bythe people "lung of the Earth",has the important ecology value andthe scientific research value.In the world scope,the tropical rainforest mainly distributes between the north latitude 20 lines and thesouth latitudes 20 lines,