帮忙编一个两人英语小对话.imagine yourself to be Albert and the manager o


  • 具体来说,住旅店确实会因为很多事情产生抱怨,电器故障、排水故障、电热供应、服务响应不及时等等,面很广!



    (Electronic facilities are out of order)

    Manager:Room Service Department, how may I help you?

    Albert:Yes, there is nothing on my TV screen after I turn it on.

    M:We are sorry about that. We will send the maintenance technician over right away.


    (The maintenance technician is at the room)

    M:Excuse me, I’m here to check your TV.

    A:Great. Please come in.

    M:It looks like the plug is loosened.

    A:Oh, ok.

    M:The picture quality of this TV is very good. There should be no problem with it.

    A:Thank you.

    M:You are welcome. Sorry for the inconvenience.


    (Complain about the noise caused by the next-door guest.)

    M:Room Service Department, how may I help you?

    Albert:Sorry, the next-door guest(s) is (are) very noisy.

    M:We are sorry, a staff member will go check immediately.

    Albert:Sorry to cause you trouble.


    (The hotel staff is talking to the next-door guests)

    M: I’m sorry, some guests are complaining that it is too noisy over here. Could you please keep it down?

    Guest at the next door: Oh, sorry.

    M: I’m sorry, some guests are complaining that it is too noisy over here, can you keep the volume down?

    G: Sure, no problem.

    M: Sorry, would you please close the door?

    G: Sure, no problem.

