来一道英语单项填空-Call the restaurant and ask for information.-I don


  • 正常的说,应该是:whom I should speak with

    或者:who I should speak with

    “谁” who (主格) whom(宾格),这里最正确应该用宾格 whom,但是 习惯上,用who的人也很多,就默认正确了.

    who .作为宾语从句,who 后一定要用 陈述语序,所以一定要是 I should ,一定不可以是 should I

    C 选项中,with 提前了,是因为:


    例如: This is the girl whom I borrowed a book from.

    =This is the girl from whom I borrowed a book.这就是我向她借书的那个女孩.

    Is this the room which he once lived in?

    =Is this the room in which he once lived?这是他曾经住过的房子吗?