

  • 下边是现写的作文,我觉得这个题目很有意义就写了写哈:

    Recently,a question has been national famous among the people in China.As we can see from the chart,different people has different opinions on this question.Our student union did a survey these days to know about our students' thought about "What is happiness".Here are the results.

    Among the students asked,thirty-two students consider fortune to be the key to happiness.For they think with money in hand,they are able to buy whatever they want.What's more,there are forty-five students choose health,the reason why they make this choice is that they think health is the most important thing for one.Only when you have a healthy body,can you have fun enjoying your life.

    The other twenty-three students regard the knowledge as the source of happiness.They are sure that knowledge makes a better future.

    From my point of view,if we want to be happy,we can't emphasize the importance of health,passion,good friends,and our dear family members too much.Only when we have the supports from the people we trust,are we able to work harder and harder and make great progress!